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Justice vs. Strength

A traditional tarot deck consists of two parts: the major and minor arcana. Arcana are secrets and hold mystery. Archetypes are used in the major arcana to represent pinnacle life moments such as birth, education, travel, career, relationships, love, relocation and even death. The minor arcana hold more subtle energy and speak more specifically about day to day events. In the history of the tarot, two of the 22 Major Arcana cards were switched. The cards named Strength and Justice can each be marked with numerals for eight and eleven; they are interchangeable and the variation permeates both traditional and modern tarot decks. Numerology plays a significant role in the interpretation of the tarot. As an ancient vocabulary, the arcana are revealed through images, symbols, colors and numerical vibrations. It is said that tarot is the physical representation of astrology.

In the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the number eight represents karma. The 8 is the infinity sign; a symbol of eternity. It’s is a sign of high level commitment. It is two circles intertwined in an unending, unbreakable cycle. It is legacy. In numerology, the energetic vibration of the 8 resonates with authority, money, management, discrimination, social status, ego, dictatorship, control, judgment, world transformation, desire for peace, patience and professionalism. The 8th house is ruled by Pluto, the ruler of sex, birth and death. The number 11 is known as a powerful number as well. It is called a Master Number in Numerology. It is a life path of long term transformation for very powerful people who function at a high frequency. Natives of this vibration and need to stay grounded and balanced at all times and thus tend to spend much of their time alone. Those with a destiny life path of 11 reap the greatest karmic rewards by having faith in their intuition as opposed to their rational minds. It is said that those with a karmic life path of 11 will at some point in their life, suffer a devastating experience that propels them on to the search for their personal spirituality and higher purpose. They are meant to change the world and lead a life of extremes. In their quest to find a balance between the rational and the irrational they will often pursue the most eclectic of religions and cultures. These avant-garde and visionary individuals make great students, psychics, mystics, healers, teachers, writers, musicians and artists. The number eleven is the gateway through the trials, tests, tribulations and treachery from others.

The pursuit of Justice requires Strength. Even with the truth on your side, the law can be manipulated and interpreted in so many different ways, it has become a form of art. The legal systems that serve to infect the respective government bodies are merely projections made of people stuck on the karmic wheel. Your fate falls into the hands of humans who will always have their own agenda and are vulnerable to a multitude of external forces. Karma, however, cannot be controlled by humans. It is a force of its own. Karma does not answer to god or go to the police. Justice does not live inside a court room or within the confines of the human experience. Justice resides only in the house of karma. The true fight is having faith in personal redemption despite your outer-world experiences. Karma is the burning white fire in the eyes of the Egyptian goddess Maat. Karma inspired many deities, goddesses, religions and philosophies. Best exemplified in my opinion by Kali and Hecate. Destroyer of worlds and rulers of heaven and hell, these divine feminine warriors deliver the type of destruction that mercilessly destroy anyone or anything in the path of a true master lightworker. The chosen ones will walk through the Lions Gate portal and travel beyond the two diamond cut columns to fulfil the mission.

The Twinflame path to Justice requires eternal Strength


Justice: the blind eyes of fate … (more)