
The 07/07 portal is a direct passage to heaven on earth; it is not a place to go, but rather a state of being. The 07/07 portal is at it’s peak today on July 11, 2022. It is a very powerful day for twinflames who are on the path for peace on this planet. The month of July is ruled by The Chariot VII tarot card. It accelerates the ascension process by activating self empowerment. More lightworkers and twinflames will awaken from the matrix choke hold on wild dreams. Old relationships, partnerships and outdated paradigms that do not fit the new template will fade away, dissolve or evaporate. Closure will be swift. The 07/07 portal is a quick and fast energy transit that requires one to travel light. Dump all the dead weight before you take flight.

If you see II:II often, it is the universe asking for your attention. First, you are on the right path. Rest assured, that the spiritual work you are doing is creating positive results by clearing away who and what does not serve your highest good. II:II is an awareness of the changes taking place in the background, changes that have manifested in another dimension that will come into your current life in divine timing. Synchronicity and serendipitous events are sign posts along the way to your destiny. Trust the process.


Full Moon in Capricorn


Strawberry Supermoon