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Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of the war-god Ares. He is naturally aggressive and is the first to fight with fire. The fire element is both destructive and constructive; it can destroy a forest or keep a house warm. The new moon solar eclipse in Aries will burn away bridges that connect us to people, places and things that do not serve our highest good. It will clear the path to personal joy. Pay attention to the conflicts you experience over the next 6 months; many will be absolute deal breakers or simply irreconcilable situations that force you to walk away. Many of you will have sudden changes occur within a few days of the eclipse, such as breakups or job loss. An eclipse is a powerful event the shakes up our lives. We are moving away from heartbreak, grief, loss, betrayal and disappointment as we enter the promised land of milk and honey. Taurus season is much kinder and more generous than Aries. Ruled by Venus, this is the perfect time for unconditional love, romance, increase in wealth and upgrades in beauty. The material world has shifted. Did you feel it? Fire gives birth to the earth. The earth element is stable, solid and fertile ground. The seeds you purchased in Capricorn season are to be planted now. The soil is ready! The energy of the Jupiter Cazimi is still in effect. Huge astrological events reverberate for long periods of time. Nothing about Jupiter could dissipate so quietly! In astrology, it is all connected.

You can change your life in as little as six months, but you must make the choice; a commitment is required of you. There is no need to rush as earth energy is languid. Taurus lives for the long term results, upholds the sanctity of marriage and invests energy in exchange for time, rest and indulgence. We have eclipsed out of the aggressive nature of Aries and sauntered into the sweet, soft and supple world of the goddess and the golden bull. What does your ideal life look like? How are you going to achieve it? What are you doing on a daily basis to create or destroy the future you desire? Work with me 1:1 for the spiritual support you need to make the change. Find out how the 4/20 total solar eclipse will affect your sun sign with this quick tiktok tarotscope!

Click on your sun and moon signs below for more. Personal tarot readings are currently on sale.











