The Karmic Eclipse

Can you feel the ripples in time? Eclipse energy is already here, find out how it affects your zodiac natal sun or moon sign. During a month with two new moons and a hyper rare astrological event between two ruling planets, it’s only fitting that April closes with an eclipse. Tune in and prepare for the lunar cycles of the Taurus and Scorpio nodes. As both signs are fixed in modality, it is an indication of permanent and exacting change. The partial solar eclipse on the last day of miracle month symbolizes the opening of the third eye. We are being called to a higher vibration in order to do deep shadow work. Shadow work is about facing your flaws, checking your ego, and doing the uncomfortable internal work we are conditioned to avoid. The shadow side of the self must be nurtured and accepted rather than repressed; it is a powerful part of the psyche and personality. Left unchecked, it can be destructive when the intention is only to defend. Light and dark must live in balance for harmony of the spirit. One way to work with your shadow is to place clear quartz on your third eye during meditation and open yourself to see the truth of who you are. If you have your birth chart, look at your Lilith sign to see which challenging characteristics to examine.

An eclipse is energetic time travel for the soul. It is a portal fueled by Saturn, the father of time and karma. Look back over the last three years and see if you can discover a cycle of events that arise every 6 months or so. That is Saturn teaching you a hard earned lesson. And I say “earned” because once you have learned the lesson, Saturn will leave with you a gift. Keep track of the eclipses and your planetary transits. Having the edge on eclipse energy gives an indication of what to let go. Clear away karma in order to receive what you need. Start with with forgiveness by working with rose quartz crystal on your healing journey. This year, we can expect to see swift changes play out in close partnerships of all kinds. Sudden breakups, filing for divorce, old lovers returning, a family secret that starts to unravel, unexpected new business partners and surprise engagements are the themes this year. The next solar eclipse occurs during Scorpio season in late October. As the ruler of death and rebirth, this is a sign of those who have previously eluded death may now meet their time. Many of those who pass away over the next 6 months will be reincarnated into the same family. Evidence of emotional ties or persons involved may come to light at the lunar eclipse in May during the full Blood Moon.


Mothers Milk


New Moon Magic