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Eclipse Season Recap

The energy of an eclipse can affect your life for months, and often brings up something from years ago if its time for it to be resolved. The lunar eclipse in Taurus was so powerful, it will reverberate until 2025. Complete and irrevocable change is already underway; we can feel it!

Be sure to checkout your sun, moon, rising and other signs of the same modality in the Black Moon Tarot Oracle reading video and the Blood Moon Love Reading . The Moon rules the emotions, the psyche and magic; it hides in plain site. The solar and lunar eclipses on the Taurus - Scorpio axis is intense. It deals with family, money, power, sex, death and rebirth. Black Moon solar eclipse and The Blood Moon lunar eclipse energy is here to clear out karma from the ancient past. Past life contracts will come up for review, old relationships resurface and issues from 2002 are brought back for personal growth thanks to Mercury retrograde happening at the same time as the eclipse portal. These events signal the time to heal the deepest of wounds by doing the shadow work. Face the internal truth and go into the dark night of the soul with confidence. You can bypass any bad luck omens of Friday the 13th with mindfulness & protective spells. Find out how Eclipse Season will affect you over the next six to twelve months. I offer personal readings here.