Jupiter Cazimi

Cazimi is an Arabic term that translates to “in the heart of the sun”. It is an astrological event when a planet is super close (approx 1 degree) to the sun. Today, Jupiter is conjunct with the biggest and brightest star in the solar system! What does this mean? The sun blesses all things and so it enhances the benefits of the planet closest to it’s heart. When the Jupiter enters the heart of the sun, it blesses everyone who is in alignment with good karma. Jupiter is by far the largest planet of the entire solar system; it represents opportunity and expansion. It has been 12 years since the Jupiter cazimi has happened in the sign of Aries. What were you wishing for in the Spring of 2011? Have you realized your goals? April 11th marks 101 days of the year; what is the universe trying to teach you? Getting into alignment with the benefits of this transit can often require you to repent. Do you need to forgive or apologize? Are your actions of pure intent? None of us are perfect, but we can aspire to be better. This conjunction of Jupiter and Sun will bring out the ego front and center. We have Sagittarius and Leo and Aries energy in full force; all three fire signs under the same roof can be wildly dangerous and destructive or wonderfully warm and comforting. Fire magic at this time will have exceptionally expedient results. Many astrologers say this is the luckiest day of the year! Find out what the Jupiter cazimi has in store for your sun sign during my Facebook live tarot reading on April 11 @6pm EST. Personal questions and can answered anonymously with a donation. Blessings!


Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse

