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Vision Boards

A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting goals. Once you can visualize your dreams, you can start creating the life you want. The mind responds to images more than words. Pictures leave imprints on the psyche and carry many subliminal messages to the mind. Take your time as you select items for your vision board; browse magazines that reflect your interests. Ask yourself if the image represents your highest good. A vision board can focus on both long term and short term dreams. Cut out the pictures and be intuitive as you place them. Be in the moment and work to believe you are a magnet for the things you want. An important step in the process of making a vision board is taping or gluing it down on paper or something stable like wood. This makes it permanent and acts as of covenant between you, your psyche and the universe. It’s a commitment. No more edits! Contrary to electronic or digital mood boards, tangible vision boards have a greater potential of become a reality as they are in the 3D. Looking at your screen saver image exposes you to negative electromagnetic energy which can block, delay or disrupt or even distort your manifestation results. It is important to place the board where it is seen daily and yet kept private. This not only helps to align with your visions more quickly, it also protects your dreams from external interference. Look at your vision board multiple times a day to train your thoughts to focus on what you want. Your soul will begin to seek out what you desire, so don’t worry about how or when you will get there. Consistency becomes discipline with time and you will need discipline when you are not feeling motivated. Complete one small step each day that brings you closer to the future you desire. Start with a list of five daily habits for success.

Mood board: love and loyalty

Once you have your vision board up, start taking small steps each day to make them come true. Some tasks could be expressing gratitude in your daily journal or 5 minutes of some meditation. If you are single and desire a loving and loyal relationship, try spending time with animals or young children. The unconditional love will heal any energetic wounds and open the heart chakra.