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Silence is Golden

Yesterday I made a video about the power of silence during conflict. I was confronted by demons and I chose not to engage. Demons can easily attach themselves to people and places. Misery loves company. When resentment lingers, bitterness becomes an invitation. Negative entities tend to gravitate towards unhappy people and cluttered spaces. Just as vermin and roaches move into dirty homes, demons take residence in filthy minds and empty hearts. It takes a conscious decision to release hurt, trauma or disappointment and move forward. Holding onto negative experiences can cause toxicity in the body, mind and spirit. The transmutation of hardship into happiness is not easy journey; it take consistency and commitment. While I ignored the demon, it proceeded to have a tantrum. It escalated from teasing to taunting then gaslighting to gang stalking. I stayed still. I remained quiet. I took a deep breath and from a state of calm, I asked my spirit team to protect me. I asked God to guide me. I sent Archangel Michael to defend me. I held onto my peace regardless of the cost. You see, the devil will send demons to destroy you, your peace, your reputation, your decorum, your life. The demons dared me to dance. Oh no, not today Satan! The Devil will always show his cards; he can’t help it. He is so self possessed and distorted by ego, he shows his teeth in frustration. Beware of the bad wolf in sheep’s clothing. It would have been easy to concede; I could have gotten disgruntled. I could have joined the fight in vain to save my reputation. But sometimes you gotta say, NO! NAMASTAY IN BED!

Jesus suffered in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. I knew I was being tested. God would not lead me astray. He said to be quiet. All I needed to do is be obedient. I held on tight to my faith. There is so much power in silence! I focused on breathing; deep inhale and a longer exhale… exclusively through the nose as I learned to do in yoga class. In the space between mindful breathing and holding your breath, you are in complete control of your mind. The only reason why meditation is so difficult is because your mind is overly conditioned to wander. Constantly bombarded by billboards, social media posts, and curated ads, the human attention span is at a mere eight seconds! Try inhaling for that amount of time; I bet most cannot without difficulty. A lack of control over your mind can get you into trouble real quick; a bad temper can lead to murder and a sharp tongue can end a career. We have seen cancel culture become a normalized activity. We love to cast judgment, we love to gossip, we love to share the daily news! Instant gratification has become so common, that the human race has no patience or self control. The internet created a place for people to pretend, perpetrate the propagate the seeds of satan. The energy that inspires trolls, bullies and Nazis is the work of demons who find easy targets. If you stop talking long enough, you will learn to listen and actually hear the voice of God above all the noise. You will hear your own intuition.

I have always admired monks who take a vow of silence; their wisdom is so profound. I implore you, start your day with a moment of silence. Listen to your body; are you breathing? Why are you upset, why are you tired, how do you really feel? You don’t need any answers, just honour your emotions and notice where they come up in your body. Each part of the body is attached to an energetic centre; the chakra system. When the demon made a loud noise or came close to me, my stomach jumped! It was like an electric bolt in my tummy; the solar plexus. The yellow hued energy centre located above the naval and below the rib cage. It is the pit of the stomach. It is the seed that gives birth to joy, ambition, happiness, fulfillment, self confidence and empowerment. It is fire energy and corresponds with the sun. It rules the kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands. My gut feeling was that this fight is not about me, it’s jealousy. An envious spirit wanted to rob me of my beauty sleep; a bitter old woman didn’t believe I deserved a life of ease. She was jealous of my online business that afforded me the luxury to work from home, choose my own hours and make more money in one day than from two weeks in traditional labor jobs. This hateful woman resented my happiness, my commitment to give to myself first, my obsession with yoga and eating high vibrational foods. She wanted me to get a “real job”. She wanted me to work harder, not smarter. She wanted me to suffer, sacrifice my time, energy and livelihood like she did in order to respect me, my boundaries and lifestyle. She wanted to me to replace her at her job where I got sexually harassed by her client. I did not engage. I let her rage and be terrorized by her own evil spirits. She succumbed to base instincts and showed her true colours: the ugly soot of being burnt. Of all the stories I read, she is the evil stepmother to Cinderella, Lady Tremaine. She took me into her home because she wanted to use my good energy and get into my fathers good graces and subsequently steal his lifeforce, livelihood and legacy. My legacy

Eventually the devil becomes tired. He moves on to other weaker minded folk to entangle in his web. I got out of bed and burned some Sage (the old woman hated the smell of it and forbade me to use it in her home). I drank a large cup of hot water and honey. I did a kemetic yoga flow. I was smiling. I felt grounded. I got hungry! I made a green salad and added yellow peppers. I made a dressing will olive oil, lemon juice, dill and one of my favourite Amina Mundi powders. It was sweet, zesty and absolutely delicious! I sang as I washed the dishes. I danced down the corridor to my sun filled room and I made this video on Tiktok. I know the devil will knock again, but he doesn’t have access to heaven. To learn more about spiritual hygiene, join one of my long term coaching programs. The Sage and The Healing Arts Capsule I offer support to those who are ready to turn pain into champagne with my long term spiritual life coaching programs, The Sage and the Healing Arts Capsule custom designed to help you through the daily struggles in life and over come any obstacle with grace and gratitude. I teach rituals that align with astrological events, integrate meditation and divination healing practices to clear your body of energetic blocks or toxic residue from karmic relationships so you can live your best life.