The Lions Gate Portal

The most powerful portal of the year occurs during Leo season! Radiant, confident and joyful, the Leo native is ruled by the Sun; and all things revolve around the Sun. The Lions Gate Portal is an astrological event revered by the ancient Egyptians. The pyramids are aligned with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. The rising of the star coincided with the overflow of the Nile; heralding a time of opulent abundance and fertility. The light beaming from Sirius to Earth is an intense surge of potent energy that accelerates activation of high vibrational light codes in our DNA. It is a royal awakening associated with prosperity and legacy. Leos are natural born leaders when they are in balance. Use this portal to lead the way into your future by jumping timelines with accelerated speed. There are no limits to how far you can go and what can be accomplished with the right mindset and intention. Rituals performed during July 26 to August 22 can have exponential success.


08 | 08 Portal


Full Moon in Capricorn