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The Sun XIX

The Sun is the most positive card in the tarot. Wherever it lands in a tarot spread, it will outshine any negative or difficult cards nearby. Traditionally, the sun card symbolizes fun, happiness, joy, laughter, family, birth, celebrations, growth, inner child healing, prosperity, abundance, comfort, transparency, acceptance, innocence and an absolute YES! The Sun card is the first tarot card I ever pulled; it was such a grand blessing and a confirmation that leaving my home town was a good decision. It gave me a sense of hope that my life would be a happy one. I have learned that happiness is a choice; it is a series of choices. It is a mindset and a lifestyle. Each morning you can choose how your day will go. You can wake up angry ready to succumb to frustrations or choose to hold a positive disposition despite any challenges you may face. The best habit I developed is daily expressions of gratitude in the morning; I feel grateful for another day to try again; I feel invigorated to see the sunlight filling my room; I feel safe and secure in my beautiful home. I say these things out loud as I look at my vision board. Speaking your dreams into existence requires a confident mindset. I act as though I already have all the blessings by blessing everything that I have. Schedule time for walks in the sunshine to fill up on a sense of personal joy to fuel your day.