Total Eclipse of the Heart

The last eclipse of the year is the twin sister to the blood moon last May. There won’t be another lunar eclipse for three years. Eclipse portals transcend the dimension of time; though we are near the end of this fast moving transit, we will feel the effects for years to come. The turning back of the clocks symbolize the need to return to the past. The full moon lunar eclipse will illuminate past life memories with romantic connections and karmic cycles. The sign of Taurus represents enduring love and long term commitment. Ruled by the beautiful Venus, a goddess of love and wealth, these themes are central to current circumstances: money, love and power. The total lunar eclipse in Taurus is highly auspicious for twinflames and all divine lovers. Any union that is not rooted in pure intent will be fully exposed. Any union that is destined to be, will shine bright like diamonds in the night sky. Love rituals performed during the blood moon must have an anchor in ancient modalities; an eclipse is not the time for something new. A total eclipse of the heart can end twinflame separation, deepen the bond between divine counterparts, and call in romantic soul mates from other timelines. Karmic wounds are healing as karmic partners are removed with grace. Be patient and keep the faith; Taurus is a loyal but slow moving sign. Nothing can be rushed or forced with taurean energy. Call upon Venus for blessings in love with fresh flowers, moon water & rose quartz. Scorpio season is still in effect; eclipses herald the time for personal transformation. As a spiritual alchemist, I offer angelic assistance with love rituals, cord cutting, past life regression and long term support services.

Tune in to my Instagram channel on November 8 at 8pm for a live Full Moon Lunar Eclipse love tarot reading! If you want a personal question answered anonymously during my LIVE, make a donation!


11:11 Awakening


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