Universal Year 7

A universal year is based in numerology. It is the numbers of the year added up and reduced to a single digit. 2023 is the universal year of the 7. The number seven represents the seeker; the one who searches for answers. Universal years affect us on a global scale and as individuals. As we exit 2022, we can look back at how the energy resonated world wide. The universal year of the six was about harmony and twinflame (re)union. Many twinflames and divine counterparts have met and come into union this year. Sudden break ups, separation and divorce come to clear the path to towards true love. Where there is resistance to real love, you will find discord, chaos and war. The bad things that happened personally also happened globally. If you are not at peace with yourself, you cannot be in alignment with anyone else. As we come to live the final days of 2022, set the intention to become a new version of you. If you need some insight of how to do that, check out this live tarot reading for a new years resolution based on your element and sign.

The universal year of the 7 is the onset of a spiritual revolution. We have seen the rise of social media and the digital age of technology take over print and television. The presence of spiritual platforms in wellness and taboo practices in the occult is so popular, copy cats are rampant. The once called new age spectrum is a billion dollar industry because the people are seeking answers to their problems; the cry for help is so loud, it is now a silent scream. The number 7 describes a life path of intellectuals, philosophers, and scholars. New leaders will emerge to the forefront. Where influencers were popular in beauty, hair and DIY we will see a rise in teachers of spiritual warfare, martial arts, mind control, shamans and leaders in occult practices like magic. If you are seeking a way to expand your spiritual knowledge and incorporate ritual into your daily life, I offer a long term support program with The Capsule. It is a combination of yoga, meditation and aura therapy. It is a vehicle designed for personal transformation. Are you ready to be the change you want to see in the world? Those with many air placements in their birth chart will do exceptionally well, in 2023. As will anyone with Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto or Saturn in the first house or North Node. You will be called to rise into your power. Public speaking and innovations around meditation and communications will rule supreme. Natures 7 healers in astrology will become the expected standard: sunshine, whole foods, clean water, fresh air, exercise and sleep. These are basic principles, but our current society forfeits on these healthy lifestyle pillars in exchange for productivity and capitalism. The most successful people will find the perfect balance between work and play. The 7th house in astrology is about relationships; both professional and personal connections are important. It is about contracts, negotiations, legalities and contradictions. It is crucial to know your allies and adversaries. Working with a psychic, medium or empath can be your ace up your sleeve to navigate the upcoming year. Look up your descendant sign to know which qualities you need to embody. The descendant sign is opposite your ascendant or rising sign. Check out what is on the cusp of the 7th house! Try using the co-star app to find your placements. I recommend astro-cartography at this time; it’s your birth chart integrated into the world map. Google it!


Happy New Year


Spiritual Hygiene