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Death Card XIII

In the tarot community, the Death card is a symbol of transformation. The phoenix is born of the flames that consumed the old self. Life begins where it ends. Everything in life comes down to your relationship with death. If you fear death, you cannot truly live because fear causes blocks and limitations. To accept death as a prerequisite to life is to surrender your need for control. Control restricts growth. I think I must love flying so much because it is the ultimate surrender. I have no control during the flight and there is a possibility of death as the plane defies gravity. I know people who are terrified to fly, but think take-off is exhilarating and, once up in the air the views are incredible. Surrender offers the best return on investment. So how does one practice the art of surrender? Patience and non attachment are the two warriors to combat control and act as gateways to a place of peace. Activities such as yoga and meditation facilitate a mind body and soul experience that uses breath work paired movement to bring about peace. The yoga asanas are created to support all major organs and yield the best results when practiced for longevity. Use yoga to combat control symptoms such as stress, to increase flexibility, accelerate detoxification of the body, to experience weight loss and to increase metabolism and immune heath. Living consciously and mindfully includes an awareness of death as a transition and not a finality.