Wolf Moon

The first full moon of the year is powerful. It sets the tone for the emotional stratosphere of the year ahead. The Wolf Moon is about calling in your tribe and marking your territory. A full moon in Cancer with the sun in Capricorn will highlight any tension in family relationships, especially with parents. Where there is harmony in personal relationships, a fertile time of deepened connections with long term benefits is upon you. To find out how the Wolf Moon affects you, book a tarot reading now. A full moon on a Monday is optimal timing for magic spells. Lunar work done at this time is highly effective and can have long term potency. Key themes deal with opposition in close relationships, family curses, shadow twins, cord cutting, calling in soulmates and twinflame union. Rituals or magic performed on this night have high protentional for positive and long lasting results. Pro tip: Howling at the moon can be an optimal opportunity to release long held tension.


Golden Opportunity

