08 | 08 Portal

The Lionsgate Portal is at peek point today. The synchronization of sunlight and starlight blessing the earth is a spiritual tonic infused with light codes to feed the aura, the subtle atmosphere of light that surrounds your physical body. All 7 chakras combined create the aura; thus an imbalance in one energy center can alter the color and quality of the aura light. Everyone has an aura, but not everyone can see them. The light comes from within you. When a yogi says, “Namaste” it translates to, ‘the light in me sees the light in you’. The crown chakra must be open and clear to accept the source code download. Fatigue, headaches and/or migraines, experiencing severe mood swings such as rage to joy within minutes are common signs of ascension. DNA upgrades can take a toll.

The portal is fiercely protected by two lions. The gateway is open, but not all shall enter, and not all who enter shall pass. It takes a pure spirit with sincere purpose to ascend the spiritual realms. The 08|08 portal is not about luck, it is a key activation point for legacy manifestation. Those who have awakened to their calling on the spiritual path will experience accelerated ascension, a higher level of spiritual intelligence. While it may not be earthly possible to remain in a god-like state for long periods of time, increasing the frequency of contact with the higher self on a daily basis can expedite dreams into reality, jump timelines with quantum leaps, and bring the impossible into fruition. Legacy goals are supported when the mission is to benefit humanity, the planet and your community. Contrary to the patriarchal tradition of family legacies, where the first born is the heir, spiritual legacies are co-created with god and the higher self as an act of benevolence. The 08|08 portal is bigger than self serving fantasy; it is about amplifying your gift to the world. Lions were chosen to guard the gate because they represent courage, royalty and leadership. Leo season is the time to step into your personal power and be the change you want to see. Align action with intention, initiate your ritual now.


The Sun XIX


The Lions Gate Portal