Scorpio Solar Eclipse

Did you know that eclipses always arrive in pairs? The solar eclipse in Scorpio took place this morning Oct 25 with the new moon; the lunar eclipse will come to pass with the full moon in Taurus on November 8. The Taurus-Scorpio axis deals with family, money, love, sex, death and rebirth. These are heavy topics with far reaching effects; we cannot escape this energy. It has been building up to a crescendo since last Spring! Dig back into your diary or calendar to remember what was going on in April / May 2022 for the foreshadowing.

This eclipse season can wreak havoc on close relationships, disrupt the money house and redirect destiny. The elements of earth and water are opposing yet highly compatible energies. Avoid external conflict and confrontation for the next few weeks by doing some internal work, by grounding with earth energy and healing with water energy. Also known as shadow work, take some time to look at your true self without judgement.

Scorpio, the master shapeshifter, may tempt you to wear a mask to protect yourself, but Venus ruled Taurus is too down to earth and loving to accept falsehoods. Be honest with yourself and take a good look in the mirror. What are your flaws, what holds you back, where do you need to apply pressure and where can you be more soft? The point of shadow work is to embrace and nurture the dark side of yourself. An eclipse portal is an excellent time to transition into the new you. See how the eclipse energy will affect your sun sign and your sister sign (opposite zodiac sign) with my Solar Eclipse tarotscope reading on youtube. Like, share, comment and subscribe !

For assistance with tapping into your psyche, shadow work, and healing your heart or head, here is 30% off 3 GUIDED MEDITATION sessions.

Use code F35R8KG at checkout.

VALID until Nov 11, 2022 inclusively.


Day of the Dead


09/09 Portal