Day of the Dead

All Saints Day precedes the Day of the Dead. The window of time from Halloween to these two events, on November 1st and 2nd respectively, is actually a portal for the deceased to cross into the physical realm. Society may have commercialized this time of year with candy and costumes, but it is truly a ploy to trick us with treats. The dead never truly die, they may lose their physical body, but spirits live in the spiritual realm. Have you heard the expression heaven on earth? It is both figuratively and literally true! There are parallel dimensions that coincide with the human experience on earth. I have seen it! I have died more than once this lifetime; I had a two near death experiences. The first was on the night of Halloween 1999. I was admitted to the hospital for blood poisoning and was clinically dead for 60 seconds. Ever since that incident, I have been able to communicate with animals. The second time I was clinically dead, it lasted for 3 minutes. I had a stroke in 2020 that left me unable to walk or talk. While I had seizers, I saw was darkness until I saw an Arch Angel who showed me the way out. When I woke up, I was able to walk and talk. The doctors were petrified and could not give a single medical explanation for what had happened. I left the hospital and was followed home by two black cats. My gifts of clairvoyance, heightened intuition and psychic abilities grew exponentially. This was the catalyst to starting my spiritual based business full time. It affords me the time and space required to heal from trauma. I specialize in predicative tarot readings, angelic aura healing and direct communication with the dead.


Total Eclipse of the Heart


Scorpio Solar Eclipse