
The last of the three earth signs, Capricorn is the only zodiac that embodies two elements. The sea goat represents earth and water making it much more flexible and imaginative that it’s sister signs of Taurus and Virgo. The fish tale is reminiscent of the mermaid who comes ashore to explore the world outside of water. Learning to walk on water and adjust to the human experience quickly by mimicking, Capricorns know how to fake it till they make it. And they will make it. The mountain goat can scale the steepest mountains with ease. It may surprise some to know that El Capitan can be extremely insecure, especially when they lack the 3D material success they are renowned to achieve. Capricorn is a tough critic and their own worst enemy. They are harsh, judgmental and deeply cynical people. This is due to the affects of ruling planet Saturn who dishes out tough lessons from the onset of life. The planet of karma doesn’t let the Capricorn native (or anyone else) get away with anything. Caps often lead very difficult and lonely lives. However, the second half of life is worth the first 30-40 years of strife! Blessed with age reversing looks, a Capricorn tends to become more youthful with age. The wisdom in their DNA allows them to navigate life with more ease. The hard work they put in pays out in dividends when they finally find true love and work-life balance. Outside of love and romance, Capricorn is ultra focused on work. They will sacrifice personal relationships for a career. Seeing opportunities in every situation, they can capitalize on networking events, personal failures and any dream that comes across their path. They are overtly ambitious, determined and quite disciplined. No ones eyes sparkle more brightly than a Capricorn in their element. From traditional corporate climbing to innovative startups, money making ideas are the Capricorn birth right. They not only have the skill set to get it done, they also build the infrastructure, procedures and policy to make everything happen. They have a gift of foresight that can only be compared to Aquarius who is also ruled by Saturn. Working with a sun sign Capricorn will be difficult for anyone who does not have a strong work ethic. The best teammates would be Taurus, Leo and Scorpio as they do exceptionally well in love & money.


Jupiter Cazimi


Happy New Year