Spiritual Hygiene

What exactly is spiritual hygiene? It is the consistent practice of balancing the energy around you, your home and inside your body. Similar to personal hygiene, it adapts to your daily needs, changes with the seasons, and evolves for special circumstance. The holiday season is an ideal time to revamp or begin a spiritual cleansing routine. Start with your home at the front door. I posted a video on Tiktok about holiday habits when hosting parties and people in your house. First you must set the intention; I start with protection. Make a verbal statement that your home is sacred and fiercely protected. Tis keeps evil spirits away. Clean the exterior and bless it with salt and Palo Santo or incense. Clean the interior working from the immediate left of the doorway and throughout. Declutter, organize and clean from top to bottom. Ideally you would want to clean in one fell swoop. I recommend a professional deep clean a minimum of 4 times a year with weekly/monthly upkeep. Ceiling, walls and floors are to be done and in that order. Swiffer is your friend! Mist a dry sheet with spiritual water and get to work. Dust, dirt, cobwebs, crumbs and dander hold negative energy and bacteria. Get into a routine, invest in quality tools and delegate where and when you can. It’s worth it. You will be surprised how quickly the house or apartment can be cleaned once you have a regular schedule for maintenance.

The Holiday season calls for being more social. Hosting friends, family and guests in your home is a time to be vigilant. Place a bowl of purifying water at the entrance. It can be on the floor, a podium or console. I like clear glass vessels filled with flower petals, herbs and color the water to match the theme or desired results. Make moon water, add salt, Florida water and some camphor. This will absorb negative energies from the people crossing your threshold. I do this for service people as well. Greet each guest or assign someone the task; have them sign a guest book and give them something upon arrival. This gives you a record of who entered your house and affords an opportunity to set the tone. Offer drinks that have ornaments filled with ingredients such as cinnamon, cardamom, lemon or lime. Decorative glass ware can have evil eyes talismans, hamsa, thread or trinkets attached to the stem. I like to give sachets filled with rice, lavender or dried flowers with mini incense cones, tiny crystals and dry resin. Guests can place them in handbags or pockets. How a guest reacts to receiving a gift bag is very telling! Make sure to have extra! You can insert fortune cookie style slips of paper with mantras, quotes, sigils or positive affirmations on them too! Take the offensive approach when potentially interacting with unseen entities. I urge you to avoid contact like shaking hands or hugs and kisses. Aside from the flu virus, people carry energy bugs that transmit through physical touch. Direct contact is an easy way to spiritual poison, curse or hex. I personally smile big and take a step back as I wave from a safe distance. My personal space is sacred and I do not invite others into it because I am an empath and rather not take on the energies! Having something to offer such as a cocktail or business card is a great social divergent tactic.

Spiritual hygiene is an awareness of your own comportment when alone and around others. Study the space and atmosphere; how does your body feel? Emotional intelligence plays into having good spiritual hygiene practice. Music can have an amazing affect in setting the tone and clearing spaces. Find the right frequency and the evening is a hit! It’s like having a spiritual DJ, influence the room to adapt to the mood. If your home is chaotic or unbalance it will manifest in arguments, constant conflict, irritation and sleep deprivation. A restlessness. After cleaning, go into the kitchen; it is the heart of the home. Disinfect the garbage can, toss or compost rotten foods, organize your pantry and Tupperware and please update the clock to the correct time. I know there is a problem if the clock has been flashing for more than a day; you’re stuck in the past! Something is rotten in the fridge means there is an open wound in the heart. It’s all related. I read, In the Meantime, by Ilyana Vanzant. She wrote an analogy comparing houses to personal mindset and it stuck with me; something is rotten in the kitchen! I lived as a digital nomad for two years. I sublet apartments and used Airbnb. People are dirty! Look in the bathroom and you’ll know exactly who you are dealing with. I refuse to share bathrooms. I believe a bathtub should be cleaned after each use. Mold is a deal breaker as are outdated shower doors. Gross! A dirty wash area means you have parasites in your body. Time for a detox! If you think a swiffer wet jet is all you need to clean flooring, you’re wrong. It’s convenient for spills, but you need a quality mop, boiling hot water, bleach, Dettol and a cleaning agent with disinfectant. I have a special recipe I use to purge, purify and bless homes. Learn more with the Hexagone and Moon Magic services. Make sure to throughly cleanse your space after your guests leave. Take a spiritual bath and watch the water drain to rid yourself of the residue. Cheers!


Universal Year 7


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