Strawberry Supermoon

The time is ripe for speaking the truth! The full moon in brutally honest Sagittarius on June 14th activates the 9th house of spirituality & philosophy. The Strawberry Super Moon in the sun sign of the archer encourages us to shoot our shot and go for the stars no matter how wild or how out there an idea may seem. Get into the sweet spot and marinate in the vibrant and confident energy of the super moon before summer. It is going to be sweet like honey or sticky like strawberry jam depending on your sun sign and natal chart and attitude. What seeds did you plant during the new moons this spring? What intentions did you set? Whatever has been buried deep will rise to the top as Lilith in Gemini demands we dig for hidden information. The 3rd house is in the shadows with Lilith; examine the effectiveness of communication pertaining to abstract concepts, ideology and religious teachings. Saturn in retrograde supports the tedious task of retrieving ancient documents and reviewing old contracts. A huge karmic kick back can be expected for those stepping into their personal power. It is an excellent time for spiritual based businesses to thrive. For those feeling any sort of imbalance, focus on the root chakra for a sense of stability. Grounding work such as barefoot in green grass or sand while eating red fruits is an excellent way to feed your soul and nourish the inner child. Moon water from the strawberry moon is ideal for baking and Venus love baths.




Gemini New Moon