Full Moon in Capricorn

Full moons are about the culmination of situations; exposing who and what was hidden in the darkness of a new moon. A supermoon is more intense than a full moon as it is closer to earth, having a deeper impact on our emotions. To truly appreciate and utilize the energy of the full moon, one must understand the nature of the zodiac sign harnessing the moon’s magic. Capricorn is not an emotive sign, though highly sensitive, this earth sign does not wear their heart on said sleeve. Known to be cold and calculated, the Capricorn native is determined and goal oriented; their innate sense of discipline refutes any and all distractions. While most people want to carry others to the top with them, the mountain goat travels light leaving behind anything and anyone who weighs them down. Capricorn knows the top is lonely. The zero fucks buck moon in Capricorn is a lesson to all about the swift cut off game.

As the antlers of the male deer reach peek growth in July, it’s a symbol to be tough as the goat. Able to digest absolute garbage, being adaptable and self reliant is key. The last of the earth signs, Capricorn is the most materialistic, but is also blessed by the healing water element. Half goat, half mermaid, Capricorns scale steep cliffs and dive from mountains with grace. It is this combination that ultimately brings Capricorns so much worldly success -the ability to materialize dreams. Taking a cue from Capricorn, focus on the big picture, navigate the bs, cut off people and situations that do not serve you and do so without explanation. Ruling planet Saturn, karma incarnate, is a stern reminder that time is the most valuable thing on earth. Don’t waste it.


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